Thursday, August 27, 2009

What Can You Do To Increase Gut Health

Disease presents in many types, maninfesting in virtually an infinate amount of pathologies. Regardless, it has now been established by many authorities that virtually all disease manifests within the bowel. Upon thinking about this further, it is not difficult to understand why, as the bowel is an area for elimination, and when elimination does not occur as it should, toxic compounds develop and over time lead to pathologies within the body.

Over time our biology has become accustomed to the modern diet by moving more and more of the body's immune system to where it is needed most in order to protect us, and as unpleasant as it is to believe, what we place into our mouth has become one of the largest issues to the! Over 80% of the body's immune system now resides in the gut, and is called Gut Associated Immune Tissue or GALT for short.

The bowel was not designed to hold fecal matter for any length of time, and when transit time becomes any longer than roughly 24 hours, food remains begin to putrefy and expel poisonous toxins within the bowel, which are then quickly reabsorbed via the portal vein, in which toxic compounds pass through the liver and in to the body.

The human physiology has developed in response to changes that take place over very long periods of time. What's happened within a time period of less than 10 decades, society has moved from a diet primarily consisting of fruits, legumes, and raw vegetables to one that is mostly processed - virtually in no capacity whatsoever resembling food that the body's.

When we consume food that has been processed, our immune system launches an attack against this invading mass – which is nothing short of being a problem in the long term, as this is the beginnings of an auto immune type disease. When we say processed food, we mean grains that have had their outer husks removed, fats that have been hydrogenated, sweeteners that do not have a glucose base, etc. This immune response even begins before the food mass hits the lower aspects of the bowel, but rather starts when we begin to chew, as the body has such intelligence that it homeopathically intuits the nature of the food and prepares the lower digestive system accordingly. White blood cells, phagocytes, leucocytes and other immune markers pour into the digestive system in preparation for what is about to come. The whole immune system response can be circumvented by eating a healthy portion of raw food before the cooked or otherwise processed food.

Processed and overly cooked food also depletes the body's enzyme supplies at a much quicker rate than would otherwise be used if the food were raw and natural. From infancy we only are given a certain quantity of enzymes to make the distance from beginning to end, so hence forth it is prudent to protect and preserve as much of them as possible.

One thing for sure is that the body has a tremendous potential to regenerate itself if given the chance, but it goes without saying that we need to work to make this happen. As mentioned above, cleaning the bowel and removing the years of decay from within it is of utmost importance. It has been reported in many instances whilst bowel cleansing that objects eaten long ago have been seen again. One woman reported half a crayon eaten 40 years prior coming out, and another who hadn't eaten peas in over 25 years was visited by them again!

As an adjunct to the information provided above, there is a product within the market place called Miracle Mineral Supplement, and is a very powerful tool whilst detoxifying the body. This compound is chlorine dioxide, and is an immeasurably powerful parasite killer.

To better health!

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